Introducing the Worlds First Water Based Penis Enlarger. The Bathmate is set to take the world by storm, being the first ever penis enlarger based on hydraulics. Bathmate is the worlds first water based penis enlarging device. Unlike other devices on the market, Bathmate gives instant and sustainable results and in most cases is pleasurable and comfortable to use. The Bathmate uses powerful water technology to create the ultimate vacuum force, utilising Hydraulics in reverse, making it the most powerful pump in the market. When you get an erection, your brain releases a hormone, which sends blood to your penis, filling your erectile tissue. The blood spaces in the Corpora Cavernosa fill to the maximum, causing an erection. Now, the maximum your Corpora Cavernosa can fill is the size your penis presently is while erect. The great news is… Your Corpora Cavernosa can be developed larger and stronger with Bathmate. The pump gaiter design forces are calculated to allow a minimal compression force whilst achieving maximum expansion force to allow the maximum growth with the minimum discomfort. The more water is forced from the Bathmate, the more the penis is forced to expand and the higher the hydro force vacuum becomes within. Conventional air vacuum developers allow the air within to act like a sponge and compress and expand without enlarging the penis in proportion, this results in the enlargement of certain area and not other, i.e. foreskin and not length or girth. The Bathmate is filled up with water, positioned and sealed over the base penis area. Water is expelled by compressing the Bathmate pump gaiter, this produces the volume of area inside the Bathmate When compression of the pump stops, the non return valve closes, thus stopping water entering back into the Bathmate Due to the unique pump gaiter design, the gaiter expands and tries to return to its original volume size Because the water inside the Bathmate acts like a fluid solid, which means it cannot be compressed or expanded only the penis area can expand to replace the volume of water removed.
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